

NASA OLR dataset


UW-Madison Middle Atmosphere Research Group

Research Interests

Our group studies the climate change implications of transport phenomena at the meso- to global scale, with emphasis on the upper troposphere and stratosphere. This region is crucial for climate change, containing the ozone layer, volcanic aerosol layer, water vapor and other significant trace gases. We use a variety of satellite and aicraft data, global meteorological analyses, and numerical models to address problems ranging from ozone depletion to the influence of the quasibiennial oscillation (QBO) on tropical convection.

We have enjoyed strong participation on several NASA science teams: SAGE II, UARS, STRAT, POLARIS, and SOLVE, and have carried out radar campaigns measuring winds and gravity waves with the mesosphere-stratosphere-troposphere radar at Jicamarca, Peru. We have a comprehensive two dimensional model of the troposphere-stratosphere-mesosphere for studying climate change related to the ozone and aerosol layers. We have also tailored Prof. Tripoli's UW-NMS model for application to tropical convection and gravity waves for ASHOE/MAESA, extratropical synoptic waves for POLARIS, and the influence of mountain gravity wave-generated polar stratospheric clouds on winter ozone depletion for SOLVE.

Our climatology of stratospheric aerosol shows that it is primarily volcanic in nature. Its distribution is very useful in diagnosing variation in transport among seasons and the phases of the QBO. It also helps illuminate the nature of transport between the tropics and extratropics. We have documented the structure of the stratospheric Aleutian high and described how it is maintained by surges of tropical air associated with planetary wave breaking. Our Rossby wave breaking climatology shows that stratosphere-troposphere exchange across the subtropical tropopause occurs primarily over the summer oceans, downstream of the tops of monsoon structures. This provides a useful mental model of stratospheric geography for understanding several issues relevant to climate change. Our work for POLARIS suggests that changes in net transport entering summer can explain the observed natural summertime diminution in column ozone.

Our group comprises myself, three research scientists and four graduate students. Ongoing work includes further exploration of transport near the tropopause, analysis of satellite and ER2 data, extending the Rossby wave breaking climatology, analysis of the effects of the QBO on the upper troposphere, and high resolution simulations for NASA's aircraft deployments over Scandinavia this coming winter for SOLVE (Stratospheric Ozone Loss and Validation Experiment).

See also: Climate and Climate Change and Large Scale Dynamics