The Carbon Cycle


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Table of Contents

The Carbon Cycle

Key Points

Increasing Carbon Dioxide

Annual Wiggles in CO2

CO2 and Vegetation

CO2 with latitude and year

Key Points

Background Facts

The Pre-Industrial Carbon Cycle

Atmosphere - Vegetation Exchange annual cycle

The Pre-Industrial Carbon Cycle

Atmosphere - Surface Ocean Exchange annual cycle

The Pre-Industrial Carbon Cycle

Deep Ocean Time Scales 1000 y

The Conveyor Belt

The Pre-Industrial Carbon Cycle

Geologic Time Scales 100’s of millions of years

The Pre-Industrial Carbon Cycle

Geologic Sources of CO2

CO2 and Human Activities

Key Points

The Present Carbon Cycle

Atmosphere-Vegetation-Surface Ocean 10’s of years

Forcing Gt C /y

Key Points

Ecosystem Communities

Vegetation Responds to Enhanced CO2

Ice Age Variations

Key Points

Sources of Information

Author: Francis Bretherton


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