Documentation of CT_contour_plots

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Help text

  This file contains commands that will generate the figures in
  Section 4 of the tutorial

Cross-Reference Information

This script calls

Listing of script CT_contour_plots

%  Clear the workspace


%  Load the regression maps

cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/Wallace
load CT_regmaps.mat

figure_tall(1); clf;  %  Opens a tall figure on the screen.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Contour Map  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%  Open a subplot to plot the map in:

global_axes(5, 3.6, 0, 0, 1.5);  %  In place of global_axes and subplot2,
subplot2(1,1);                 %  one can use the standard subplot
                               %  command.

%  Set global variables
global_latlon(lat, lon, [0 360 -90 90]);

%  Define a map axis in the current subplot

%  Contour the data - positive solid, negative dashed (_pn)
map_contour_pn(regmap1, 0.2, 'nozeroline');

%  Draw a map underneath the data

%  Draw grid lines
gridm on

%  Tighten map to fit the subplot

%  Add a title, and some labels - 
   %  Note that the default axes fontsize (set in define_globals.m,
   %  in the startup.m file) is 8
title('Regression of Surface Temperature onto the CTI', 'fontsize', 10);
xlabel('Contour Interval:  0.2', 'fontsize', 9);

%  Now, add new subplot to plot the CTI in
global_axes(5, 0.75, 0, 0, 3.6+1.5+0.5);
p1 = plot(1948:1/12:(2000+11/12), ct, '-k');
axis([1945 2005 -1.5 2.5]);
set(gca, 'XTick', [1945:5:2005], 'YTick', -2:2);
grid on
ylabel('\circC', 'fontsize', 9);
xlabel('CTI', 'fontsize', 9);

cd ~/matlab/Wallace/Figs
print -dpsc2

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Labelled Contours  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%  Now, redo this, using labelled contours

figure_landscape(1); clf;
global_axes(9, 6, 0, 0, 1.5);

%  Make map axes, and contour regmap2.  Note that XAX and YAX are
%  already set from the previous plot.  Otherwise, we would have
%  to set them by:
%  global_latlon(lat, lon, [0 360 -90 90]);
[c, h] = map_contour(regmap2, 0.15);

%  Shade regions where the correlation exceeds 0.5
shade_solid(abs(cormap1), 0.5);

%  Add a grey [.5 .5 .5] landmask OVER the data
fill_landmap('over', 0.5*[1 1 1]);
gridm on
framem2;   %  Add solid border around map
tightmap2; %  Tighten map to axis limits
set(gca, 'visible', 'off');  %  Get rid of outside box

%  Now, add contour labels to the map.  This may be done in one of
%  three ways, each of which is useful at different times.  Two
%  are commented out, but try each.

%  cs = clabelm(c, [-3:.15:3]);    %  Label random lines with +'s
%  cs = clabelm(c, h, [-3:.3:3]);  %  Only label every other line
  cs = clabelm(c, h, 'manual');   %  user specified labelling

set(cs, 'fontsize', 8);         %  Change font using handles

%  Now, because we've set(gca, 'visible', 'off'), we need to 
%  set 'visible' 'on' for titles and labels.  We could also do this
%  by assigning a handle, then changing the handle's properties.

title('SST Regressed onto the CTI', 'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 10);
xlabel('Contour Interval:  0.15 \circC std^-^1', 'visible', 'on');

cd ~/matlab/Wallace/Figs
print -dpsc2

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Color plot with SLP contoured %%%%%%

load /home/disk/tao/dvimont/matlab/Wallace/CT_SLP_regmaps.mat

%  Open subplot and such
figure_tall(1); clf;
global_axes(5.5, 3.6, 0, 0, 1.5);
global_latlon(lat, lon, [0 360 -90 90]);

subplot2(1,1); cla;

%  Start by shading the SST map at altitude z = -0.5;
h = map_surface(regmap2, -0.5*ones(size(regmap2)));
caxis([-.75 .75]);  %  This scales the colormap such that data in
                    %  regmap2 that equals -0.75 or 0.75 is assigned
		    %  the minimum (or maximum) color in the color
		    %  pallate

%  Contour SLP over the top - this should end up at altitude
%  z = 0, so it's over the SST map.
hold on;
  [c2, h2] = map_contour_pn(regmap2_slp, 0.25);
hold off;
set(h2, 'linewidth', 2);

%  Now, add a landmask at z=-0.25 so it's over the SST, but under
%  the SLP.
fill_landmap(-0.25, 0.7);

%  And finally, touch up the plot
gridm on;
set(gca, 'visible', 'off');

t1 = title(['\bf SST (shaded) and SLP (contoured) regressed on ' ...
	   'standardized CTI'], 'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 10);
x1 = xlabel('SLP Contour Interval:  0.25 hPa std^-^1', ...
	    'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 9);

%  Add colorbar to right side of plot
cb = colorbar2('vertical');
set(cb, 'YTick', [-0.6:.3:0.6]);
cb_y1 = get(cb, 'ylabel');
set(cb_y1, 'string', 'SST:  \circC std^-^1', ...
	   'rotation', -90, 'fontsize', 9);

%  If you don't like the position of the ylabel on the colorbar, change
%  it with the 'set(cb_y1, 'Position', [x y z])' command.

cd ~/matlab/Wallace/Figs
print -dpsc2

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  MONOCHROMATIC MAPS  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


cd ~/matlab/Wallace
load SFCT_mean_var.mat

%  Open subplot and such
figure_landscape(1); clf;
global_axes(5, 6, 0, 0, 1.5);
global_latlon(lat, lon, [0 360 20 90]);

subplot2(1,1); cla;
ma = map_axis('stereo', [90 0]);

%  Start with shading the variance map
h = map_surface_interp(sqrt(varsfct_win), ...

%  Change the color scale so it's reasonable
caxis([0 1.5]);

%  Now, fill in areas where sfct_win < -1.8 with a
%  light shading - over water, this is where ice will
%  be found.
hold on;
  [iceline, h2] = map_contour(sfct_win, [-1.8 -1.8]);
  iceline(:,1) = NaN;  %  help contours for reasoning here
  set(h2, 'visible', 'off');
hold off;
h3 = patchm(iceline(2,:), iceline(1,:), -0.4, [1 1 1]);
set(h3, 'edgecolor', 'none');

%  Fill in land
fill_landmap(0.25, 0.8);

%  Add climatological SFC airt
hold on;
  [c4,h4] = map_contour_pn(sfct_win, [0:2.5:35], 'zeroline');
hold off;

%  Label some SFCT contours
cs = clabelm(c4, h4, 'manual');
set(cs, 'fontsize', 8);

%  shrink to fit
set(gca, 'visible', 'off');
gridm on; 

%  Add colorbar - define axes handle, then switch to it
cb = colorbar2('horiz');
axis([[0 1.5] get(cb, 'YLim')]);
set(gca, 'XTick', 0:.25:1.5);
xlabel('StDev SFC AIRT:  \circC', 'fontsize', 9)

%  switch back to map axes
xlabel('Contour:  SFC AIRT (2.5 \circC)', 'visible', 'on', ...
       'fontsize', 9);
title('\bf NDJFMA SFC AIRT:  StDev (shaded), Mean (contoured)', ...
      'visible', 'on', 'fontsize', 10);

cd ~dvimont/matlab/Wallace/Figs
print -dpsc2