Documentation of dcm

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Function Synopsis

hh = drawcoasts ( lev ) ;

Help text

 function hh = drawcoasts ( lcst, lgrd, lbox, gridx, gridy ) ;

 script to overlay a rectangular coastline map on the graphics window.


   lcst : linetype for coastlines (default is COASTTYPE,' ' = default)
   lgrd : linetype for gridlines (default is COASTGRID, ' ' = default)
   lbox : linetype for frame box (default: '-k', '' or 0 to skip)
  gridx : grid_spacing in x direction (default is GRDX_SPACING)
  gridy : grid_spacing in y direction (default is GRDY_SPACING)

 GLOBAL SETTINGS (most of which can be overridden by call arguments)

  FRAME       : plotting boundaries (see also frame)
  COASTWIDTH  : Coastline width
  COASTTYPE   : coastline type, set to 0 or '' for no coast
  COASTGRID   : grid line stype, set to 0 or '' for no gridline
  GRDX_SPACING: longitudinal grid spacing
  GRDY_SPACING: latitudinal grid spacing

 SEE ALSO : frame, polar_coasts

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls

Listing of function dcm

function hh = drawcoasts ( lev ) ;
%---------------------------------------------- Alexis Lau (May 1991)
% major modification for version 4.X           Alexis Lau (July 1993)
% rewritten                                    Alexis Lau (Feb 1994)
% Added "sort" to the yticks definition in the grid lines specification.
% MATLAB 5 needs the ticks to increase monotonically.
% 						Todd Mitchell, July 1997
% Same is true for the xticks, added sort(xtickts)
%                                               Christian Bantzer, 10/3/97

  global x_coasts y_coasts

%    landmask;
% return;
%  end

% set parameters
  if nargin < 1; lcst = ' '; end;
  if nargin < 2; lgrd = ' '; end;
  if nargin < 3; lbox = ' '; end
  if nargin < 4; gridx = GRDX_SPACING; end
  if nargin < 5; gridy = GRDY_SPACING; end
  if strcmp(lcst,' '); lcst='-k'; end
  if strcmp(lgrd,' '); lgrd=':k'; end
  if strcmp(lbox,' '); lbox='-k'; end

% make sure plotting in the preset frame
%  frame;
% map is superimposed, will not affect existing display
% frame box
  xl=getm(gca,'maplonlimit'); yl=getm(gca,'maplatlimit');
%  xl = FRAME(1:2); yl = FRAME(3:4);
  x0=xl(1); x1=xl(2); y0=yl(1); y1=yl(2);
%  if lbox; plot([x0 x0 x1 x1 x0],[y0 y1 y1 y0 y0],lbox); end;

% grid lines
%  xticks = sort([ 0:-gridx:x0 gridx:gridx:x1 ]);
%  yticks = sort( [ 0:-gridy:y0 gridy:gridy:y1 ] );
%  manual_ticks('x',xticks,label_eastwest(xticks));
%  manual_ticks('y',yticks,label_northsouth(yticks));
%  end
%  if lgrd
%    vline(xticks,lgrd, FRAME(3:4)); 
%    hline(yticks,lgrd);
%  end;

% coastlines
%  if lcst;
    x = []; y = [];
    nt1 = floor((x0+180)/360); nt2 = floor((x1+180-1.e-9)/360);
    for it = nt1:nt2;
      xtmp=x_coasts+it*360; ytmp=y_coasts;
%      xy = find ( ~(isinrange(xtmp,xl) & isinrange(ytmp,yl)) );
%      xtmp(xy)=nan*ones(size(xy)); ytmp(xy)=nan*ones(size(xy));
      [tem1, tem2] = maptrimp(ytmp, xtmp, yl, xl);
      x = [ x; nan; tem2 ]; y = [ y; nan; tem1 ];
    zdat = lev*ones(size(x)); zdat(isnan(x))=NaN;
    h=patchm(y,x,-1000,0.3*[1 1 1]);% set(h,'linewidth',COASTWIDTH);
    set(h, 'EdgeColor', [1 1 1]);
%  end;


  if nargout==1; hh=h; end