Documentation of makehatch

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Function Synopsis

A = makehatch(hatch)

Help text

MAKEHATCH Predefined hatch patterns
  MAKEHATCH(HATCH) returns a matrix with the hatch pattern for HATCH
   according to the following table:
      HATCH        pattern
     -------      ---------
        /          right-slanted lines
        \          left-slanted lines
        |          vertical lines
        -          horizontal lines
        +          crossing vertical and horizontal lines
        x          criss-crossing lines
        .          single dots

  See also: APPLYHATCH

Cross-Reference Information

This function is called by

Listing of function makehatch

function A = makehatch(hatch)

%  By Ben Hinkle,

%  This code is in the public domain. 

n = 6;
switch (hatch)
 case '/'
  A = fliplr(eye(n));
 case '\'
  A = eye(n);
 case '|'
  A(:,1) = 1;
 case '-'
  A(1,:) = 1;
 case '+'
  A(:,1) = 1;
  A(1,:) = 1;
 case 'x'
  A = eye(n) | fliplr(diag(ones(n-1,1),-1));
 case '.'
  error(['Undefined hatch pattern "' hatch '".']);