Documentation of stereo2

Global Index (all files) (short | long) | Local Index (files in subdir) (short | long)

Function Synopsis

[out1,out2,savepts] = stereo(mstruct,in1,in2,object,direction,savepts)

Help text

STEREO  Stereographic Azimuthal Projection

  This is a perspective projection on a plane tangent at the center
  point from the point antipodal to the center point.  The center
  point is a pole in the common polar aspect, but it can be any
  point.  This projection has two significant properties.  It is
  conformal, being free from angular distortion.  Additionally, all
  great and small circles are either straight lines or circular
  arcs on this projection.  Scale is true only at the center point,
  and is constant along any circle having the center point as its
  center.  This projection is not equal area.

  The polar aspect of this projection appears to have been developed
  by the Egyptians and Greeks by the second century B.C.

Listing of function stereo2

function [out1,out2,savepts] = stereo(mstruct,in1,in2,object,direction,savepts)

%  Copyright (c) 1996-98 by Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc. and The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: 1.5 $
%  Written by:  E. Byrns, E. Brown

if nargin == 1                  %  Set the default structure entries
	  mstruct.mapparallels = [];
      mstruct.nparallels   = 0;
	  mstruct.fixedorient  = [];
	  mstruct.trimlat = angledim([-inf 90],'degrees',mstruct.angleunits);
      mstruct.trimlon = angledim([-180 180],'degrees',mstruct.angleunits);
	  out1 = mstruct;     return
elseif nargin ~= 5 & nargin ~= 6
      error('Incorrect number of arguments')

%  Extract the necessary projection data and convert to radians

units   = mstruct.angleunits;
a       = mstruct.geoid(1);
e       = mstruct.geoid(2);
origin  = angledim(mstruct.origin,units,'radians');
trimlat = angledim(mstruct.flatlimit,units,'radians');
trimlon = angledim(mstruct.flonlimit,units,'radians');

%  Compute projection parameters

epsilon = epsm('radians');
latcnf = geod2cnf(origin(1),mstruct.geoid,'radians');
a = mstruct.geoid(1);    e = mstruct.geoid(2);

den1  = (1 - (e*sin(origin(1)))^2);
m1    = cos(origin(1)) / sqrt(den1);
if abs(pi/2 - abs(origin(1))) <= epsilon
    fact1 = 2*a/sqrt(den1);
    fact1 = 2*a*m1 / cos(latcnf);

%  Adjust the origin latitude to the auxiliary sphere

origin(1)  = latcnf;
trimlat = geod2cnf(trimlat,mstruct.geoid,'radians');

switch direction
case 'forward'

     lat  = angledim(in1,units,'radians');   %  Convert to radians
     lat  = geod2cnf(lat,mstruct.geoid,'radians');
     long = angledim(in2,units,'radians');

%  Back off of the +/- 180 degree points.  This allows
%  the differentiation of longitudes at the dateline in
%  the inverse calculation.  For example, if not performed, -180 degree
%  points may become 180 degrees in the inverse calculation.

     epsilon = 5*epsm('radians');
     indx = find( abs(pi - abs(long)) <= epsilon);

     if ~isempty(indx)
	      long(indx) = long(indx) - sign(long(indx))*epsilon;

%  Calculate the azimuths and distances on the rotated auxiliary sphere

     [lat,long] = rotatem(lat,long,origin,direction);   %  Rotate to new origin

	 zeromat = zeros(size(lat));
     az  = azimuth('gc',zeromat,zeromat,lat,long,'radians');
     rng = distance('gc',zeromat,zeromat,lat,long,'radians');

%  Trim data exceeding a specified range from the origin

     [rng,az,trimmed] = trimdata(rng,[-inf max(trimlat)],...
	                              az,[-inf inf],object);
     if size(trimmed,2) == 3
	     indx = trimmed(:,1);
         trimmed(:,[2:3]) = [lat(indx) long(indx)];
	 elseif size(trimmed,2) == 4
	     indx = trimmed(:,1) + (trimmed(:,2) - 1) * size(lat,1);
         trimmed(:,[3:4]) = [lat(indx) long(indx)];

%  Construct the structure of altered points

     savepts.trimmed = trimmed;
     savepts.clipped = [];

%  Perform the projection calculations

	 A = fact1 ./ ( 1 + cos(rng) );

	 x = A .* sin(rng) .* sin(az);
	 y = A .* sin(rng) .* cos(az);

%  Set the output variables

     out1 = x;   out2 = y;

case 'inverse'

     x = in1;   y = in2;

     rho = (x.^2 + y.^2) / fact1^2;

     indx1 = find(rho == 0);
     indx2 = find(rho ~= 0);

     lat = x;    long = y;

	 if ~isempty(indx1);   lat(indx1)  = 0;    long(indx1) = 0;   end

	 if ~isempty(indx2)
	     az = atan2(x(indx2),y(indx2));
		 rng = acos( (1-rho(indx2)) ./ (1+rho(indx2)));

	     zeromat = zeros(size(lat(indx2)));
         [lat(indx2),long(indx2)] = reckon(zeromat,zeromat,rng,az,'radians');

%  Undo trims and clips

     [lat,long] = undotrim(lat,long,savepts.trimmed,object);
     [lat,long] = undoclip(lat,long,savepts.clipped,object);

%  Rotate to Greenwich and transform to desired units

     [lat,long] = rotatem(lat,long,origin,direction);
     lat        = cnf2geod(lat,mstruct.geoid,'radians');

     out1 = angledim(lat, 'radians', units);   %  Transform units
     out2 = angledim(long,'radians', units);

     error('Unrecognized direction string')

%  Some operations on NaNs produce NaN + NaNi.  However operations
%  outside the map may product complex results and we don't want
%  to destroy this indicator.

if isieee == 1
   indx = find(isnan(out1) | isnan(out2));
   out1(indx) = NaN;   out2(indx) = NaN;