Documentation of vline

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Function Synopsis

h = vline ( x, linetype, y, zdat ) ;

Help text

 function h = vline ( x, linetype, y, zdat ) ;

 simple function to draw a vertical line across a given x-coorinate

Cross-Reference Information

This function is called by

Listing of function vline

function h = vline ( x, linetype, y, zdat ) ;
%---------------------------------------------- Alexis Lau (May 1991)

% push_hold('on');

if (nargin<2); linetype = '-'; end;
if (nargin<4); zdat = [zeros(length(x), 1) zeros(length(x), 1)]; end;

if ismap(gca);
  if (nargin<3); y = getm(gca,'maplatlimit'); end;
  for i = 1:length(x)
    h(i) = plot3m([x(i) x(i)],y,zdat(i,:),linetype);
    set(h(i), 'LineWidth', 0.5);
  if (nargin<3); y = get(gca,'ylim'); end;
  for i = 1:length(x)
    h(i) = plot3([x(i) x(i)],y,zdat(i,:),linetype);
    set(h(i), 'LineWidth', 0.5);
% pop_hold ;