Documentation of wysiwyg

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Function Synopsis

%WYSIWYG -- this function is called with no args and merely
%       changes the size of the figure on the screen to equal
%       the size of the figure that would be printed,
%       according to the papersize attribute.  Use this function
%       to give a more accurate picture of what will be
%       printed.
%       Dan(K) Braithwaite, Dept. of Hydrology U.of.A  11/93

unis = get(gcf,'units');
ppos = get(gcf,'paperposition');
pos = get(gcf,'position');
pos(3:4) = ppos(3:4);

Cross-Reference Information

This function is called by

Listing of function wysiwyg

function wysiwyg
%WYSIWYG -- this function is called with no args and merely
%       changes the size of the figure on the screen to equal
%       the size of the figure that would be printed,
%       according to the papersize attribute.  Use this function
%       to give a more accurate picture of what will be
%       printed.
%       Dan(K) Braithwaite, Dept. of Hydrology U.of.A  11/93

unis = get(gcf,'units');
ppos = get(gcf,'paperposition');
pos = get(gcf,'position');
pos(3:4) = ppos(3:4);