Vimont Group: News

December 4, 2017: Congratulations to Dr. Erin Thomas!

Congratulations to Dr. Erin Thomas, who successfully defended her Ph.D. today! (Update as of April, 2018): Erin has accepted a position at the Norweigian Meteorological Agency in Oslo! She will be helping to develop a regional coupled model for understanding and predicting high latitude climate variabilitly. When can we all come visit?

January 18, 2017: Papers Published!

Congratulations to Ross Dixon, Cristian Martinez-Villalobos, Erin Thomas, and Brian Zimmerman, all of whom had first author papers published last year! Check out the Publications link above for more news there.

December 27, 2016: Arctic Sea Ice Attribution

Megan Kirchmeier-Young just published a great paper attributing the record sea ice loss in 2012 to anthropogenic climate change. Check it out here: Attribution of Extreme Events in Arctic Sea Ice Extent

October 25, 2016: Contratulations Cristian!

Cristian Martinez-Villalobos successfully defended his Ph.D., and is off to work on stochastic processes in climate variability with David Neelin at UCLA. We'll miss you, Cristian!