Case Study 1



Prepare a flight plan including the course heading (compass heading) and altitude you will fly at (it doesn't have to be the same for the whole trip).

When you are done, proceed to the Flight Planning Questions tab.

Proceed to other sections by using the navigation or arrows below.

Here is how you will hand in the case study. You will send ONE email with all the answers from each section of the case study. Note that each section has "Flight planning questions". These are the questions you will answer. You may send them in the email, or compose them all into one word document to send as an attachment. I would highly recommend the second option, as you will be able to save your work as you go through the case study.

Note that with the flight planning questions there are forms for you to fill in the answers. Do NOT USE THESE They do not work.

Also note the due date. The case study will be the one instance in which we will NOT accept it late. That means any email received after midnight will count as ZERO so I advise you to keep this in mind as you work on it.

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