Lesson 7: Atmospheric Circulation, Air masses and Fronts

The book has a nice discussion on atmospheric circulations. We will cover Chapter 7 and parts of Chapter 8. You want to review the forces that make the winds. The assignment consists of two short answers and multiple choice this week, and is based on material in the book.

This lesson focuses on the basics of atmospheric circulations, air masses and fronts. Understanding these basic circulation patterns of winds, temperature, storms, will help you be prepared for weather changes that occur each season.

Learning Objectives
  1. Learn the major atmospheric circulation features.
  2. Learn the basic air masses and their source regions.
  3. Learn the basic types of fronts (cold, warm, stationary and occuluded).
  4. Learn how fronts are related to airmasses.
How to Proceed
  • Read Chapter 7 and beginning of Chapter 8 (page 8-1 through 8-7.)
  • Review the summary material under Lesson Content. This summarizes some of the most important concepts of these chapters.
  • Do the Learning Activities to prepare you for this weeks quiz and short answers.
Time Requirement

Reading should take about one hour to 90 minutes. The practice exercise should take about 20 to 30 minutes and the quiz 20 minutes.