Lesson 1: Weather Basics

This first exercise focuses on the basic weather elements. We cover the definitions of Temperature, Pressure, Density, Wind and Moisture. We also introduce methods of transferring energy in the atmosphere. Know these definitions as later sections of this course focus on the interaction of these weather variables.

Aviation uses the standard atmosphere as a reference. It is important to know what the standard atmosphere is and how it differs from the atmosphere you are flying. When flying, you will want to avoid turbulent regions of the atmosphere. Many times turbulent regions are areas where energy is being transferred, so it is important to know how energy is transferred. This first lesson introduces you to these concepts..

Learning Objectives
  1. Learn fundamental variables used to describe the state of the atmosphere: pressure, temperature, density and winds.
  2. Learn why it is important to know the standard atmosphere.
  3. Learn methods of transferring energy in the atmosphere: radiation, conduction, convection, and advection. Later we will discuss latent heat transfer and turbulent eddies.
  4. Make sure there are no problems with submitting material over the web and running Java applets.
How to Proceed
  • Read the first 3 chapters of the text (page 1-1 through 3-17.)
  • Review the summary material under Lesson Content. This summarizes some of the most important concepts of these chapters.
  • Do the Learning Activities to prepare you for this weeks quiz.
Time Requirement

This is 37 pages of reading, which should take about one hour to 90 minutes. The practice exercise should take about 20 to 30 minutes and the quiz 20 minutes.