Wisconsin State Climatology Office
 John Young, Director & Professor Emeritus
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Prepared by Edward J. Hopkins, PhD,
Assistant Wisconsin State Climatologist
as of 17 April 2010





This document identifies some of the data files that we have posted on the Wisconsin State Climatology Office website that you can use to assess the current and past climate of Wisconsin, as well as other neighboring states. 
Many of the files that have been posted are in the comma-delimited text format (as noted by the csv file name extender), which means that you can save the file and then you can import these easily into a spreadsheet environment (e.g., Excel or xls format) for data analysis.  If you have questions, please feel free to contact us.

Edward J. Hopkins
John A. Young
Lyle J. Anderson

Statewide and Divisional Data

Wisconsin has nine climate divisions, arranged according to

(Map from https://www.aos.wisc.edu/oldsco/images/wis-divisions.GIF)

You can access the divisional and statewide climate data generated by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) for all months running from 1895 to the present for your data analysis and for generation of graphics such as found at
https://www.aos.wisc.edu/oldsco/clim-history/state/graphics/WI-temp-annual.gif :

The format for these data sets includes columns that are arranged as:

Year        –   from 1895 to present,

Months    – 12 columns for data, arranged from January to December, except for snowfall data (where July-June sequence is used),

ANNUAL  – The 12-month annual average temperature or precipitation (snowfall) totals,

MAX         – Maximum monthly value for the year;

MIN           – Minimum monthly value for the year,

COUNT    – The number of monthly values for the year,

Seasonal averages (or totals) and 5-year running averages (centered on the year) for
        MAM   –Spring (March, April, May)
       JJA –  Summer (June, July, August)
       SON – Autumn  (September, October, November)
       DJF – Winter (December, January, February of following year)
       ANN (5yr) – Annual
       GRW SEA (AMJJAS) Growing Season (April through September)
        NONGRW (ONDJFM) Non-growing Season (October through
                            following March)
       WATER YEAR (Oct-Sep),
       Jan-Jun—First half of calendar year
       Jul-Dec—Second half of calendar year
       Jul-Jun –Year arranged for snow or heating season,

Multiple year Summaries:  Under the last year of data, summaries are available that include such statistics as  multi-year averages, medians, standard deviation data, extremes and counts  for the following groups of time:

1895 to present, 1901-2000, 1951-2000, 1971-2000, 1961-1990, 1951-1980,…1901-1930


TEMPERATURE (1895-present) :
Statewide:        --  comma-delimited  or spreadsheet 

Northwest          -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

North central      -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

Northeast          -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

West central      -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

Central               -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

East central       -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

Southwest         -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

South central     -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

Southeast         -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet


PRECIPITATION (1895-present) :
Statewide:         --  comma-delimited or spreadsheet

Northwest          -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

North central      -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

Northeast          -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

West central      -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

Central               -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

East central       -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

Southwest         -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

South central     -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

Southeast         -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet



Statewide:      --  comma-delimited or spreadsheet

Northwest          --comma-delimited

North central      -- comma-delimited

Northeast          -- comma-delimited

West central      -- comma-delimited

Central              -- comma-delimited

East central       -- comma-delimited

Southwest         -- comma-delimited

South central     -- comma-delimited

Southeast         -- comma-delimited

* For statewide averages, snowfall 1895-present; for divisions  – 1950 to present

Note: Data arranged according to snow season (July to June),

Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI)

Northwest                     -- comma-delimited

North central                 -- comma-delimited

Northeast                      -- comma-delimited

West central                 -- comma-delimited

Central                          -- comma-delimited

East central                  -- comma-delimited

Southwest                      -- comma-delimited

South central                 -- comma-delimited

Southeast                     -- comma-delimited

Statewide:                     -- comma-delimited

No five-year running means for seasons or annual.

(1895-present) (area weighted)
DEGREE DAY UNITS (area weighted)
Statewide:         --  comma-delimited or spreadsheet

Northwest          -- comma-delimited

North central      --comma-delimited

Northeast          -- comma-delimited

West central      -- comma-delimited

Central              -- comma-delimited

East central       -- comma-delimited

Southwest         -- comma-delimited

South central     -- comma-delimited

Southeast         -- comma-delimited


COOLING DEGREE DAY UNITS   (area weighted)
Statewide:         --  comma-delimited or spreadsheet

Northwest          -- comma-delimited

North central      -- comma-delimited

Northeast          -- comma-delimited

West central      -- comma-delimited

Central              -- comma-delimited

East central       -- comma-delimited

Southwest         -- comma-delimited

South central     -- comma-delimited

Southeast         -- comma-delimited


1971-2000 NORMAL DATA

NORMALS: see below

Comma-delimited files containing 1971-2000 normal data for liquid equivalent precipitation in inches:
along with the "normal" number of days that have precip totals exceeding, 0.01 inches (measurable), 0.10 inches, 0.50 inches and 1.00 inches.

Normal maximum, minimum and average temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit (but for a smaller number of stations):

Normal heating and cooling degree days in degrees Fahrenheit

Normal monthly and seasonal snowfall in Wisconsin

Normal number of days that a certain threshold for snow cover is met and exceeded.


Comma-delimited files of statewide monthly temperature extremes (1885- present):
Highest monthly temperatures: https://www.aos.wisc.edu/oldsco/clim-history/state/wi-ex-t-max.csv 
Lowest monthly  temperatures: https://www.aos.wisc.edu/oldsco/clim-history/state/wi-ex-t-min.csv 

Comma-delimited files of statewide monthly precipitation extremes (1885- present):
Max monthly precipitation: https://www.aos.wisc.edu/oldsco/clim-history/state/wi-r-mo-max.csv 
Min monthly precipitation: https://www.aos.wisc.edu/oldsco/clim-history/state/wi-r-mo-min.csv 
24-hr max precipitation: https://www.aos.wisc.edu/oldsco/clim-history/state/wi-r-24h-max.csv 

Comma-delimited files of monthly snow extremes:
Max monthly snowfall: https://www.aos.wisc.edu/oldsco/clim-history/state/wi-s-maxmo.csv  (1896/97- present)
Max monthly snow cover: https://www.aos.wisc.edu/oldsco/clim-history/state/wi-scov-maxmo.csv  (1948/49-present)



Monthly and annual area-average temperature and precipitation data are available for the nine regions of the continental United States. 

Map from https://www.aos.wisc.edu/oldsco/clim-history/national/usrgns_pg.gif

In addition, monthly data are available for the entire US. 


Data files for temperature  (1895-present)

Northeast -  comma-delimited or spreadsheet

East North Central -comma-delimited or spreadsheet

Central -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

Southeast -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

West North Central -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

South -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

Southwest -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

Northwest -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

West -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

CONUS (Lower 48) -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

Data files for precipitation  (1895-present)

Northeast -   comma-delimited or spreadsheet

East North Central -  comma-delimited or spreadsheet

Central --  comma-delimited or spreadsheet

Southeast --  comma-delimited or spreadsheet

West North Central --  comma-delimited or spreadsheet

South --  comma-delimited or spreadsheet

Southwest --  comma-delimited or spreadsheet

Northwest -- comma-delimited or spreadsheet

West --  comma-delimited or spreadsheet

CONUS (Lower 48) --  comma-delimited or spreadsheet